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Uploaded 23-Jan-16
Taken 28-Feb-15
Visitors 8
1 of 49 photos

Looking back down the ski out.

This trip was based on one Vern and company did last winter and it looked quite easy (technically at least). I was already thinking about doing it this winter when Matt repeated it, and that confirmed that conditions at this time were good to give it a try. So I called to rent skis for Heath for the next weekend. With the avalanche at low/low/low it was a great time to do a longer ski tour.

I started out with Heath at the beginning of this trip. He managed to make it into the meadows before the Boulder Pass ascent before his blisters in his rental boots got too bad and he had to turn around. Since the avy rating was so low and the entire ascent slopes looked so low angled I didn't have a problem with continuing on myself. I was stoked for a longer day after a long month of little activity. The only problem was that Heath would have to ski back and then wait for my return. Which he did (poor guy).