Two years ago I did a solo trip up Mount Hoffman between work days in the fall, and slept up there. It was a bit of a disaster, since I lost the trail in the dark in the morning, but I've been meaning to repeat it for a while. (who doesn't love disaster trips? they are the ones you remember!)
This wasn't quite the same, as I didn't sleep on top of a hill. Nor did I have to walk out in the dark, I was allowed to come to work late. However it was still a neat little mid-week backpacking trip. Something I normally wouldn't do. And probably my last chance to sleep in my tent this year.
Most unfortunately the cord which charges my camera appears to be broken, because the camera had minimal battery power. I had meant to try some night photography but couldn't. You'll just have to believe me that sunset was beautiful and the moon was amazingly bright.
Here are the photos I managed to get with my dying camera and my horrible phone camera (easy to guess which are which).